Winter sparrows, a reminder that California does have seasons.

Some transplanted Easterners dismiss California’s idea of seasons: do we really call 50 degree temperatures and a bit of rain winter weather? But of course we have seasons, and to observe the magnitude of the underlying change all you have to do is pay a little attention to nature. If you want to see the seasons in nature, I would recommend looking at birds. And if you want to see the seasons in birds, I would direct your attention to today’s subjects — the winter sparrows.

Posted on 24 December, 2018 10:18 by biohexx1 biohexx1


"Great minds think alike" or so the saying goes. In October, I wrote a similar article for trail guides at Mission Trails Regional Park which was recently published in the Mission Times Courier, a local community newspaper:

Posted by milliebasden almost 6 years ago

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