With over 2,000 observations submitted in June, it was a little crazy to pick a handful of candidates for “The Best”. So the job went to the number one observer, Kyle Jones. To narrow the field, Kyle arbitrarily decided that the Green Mountain State would be represented by a plant this time. So here are five plant candidates for June 2013 photo-observation of the month. As always, if you are reading this and are a registered iNaturalist observer, you can vote (once) by replying to this post with the number of the photo-observation you like best. There is also a very good chance that the June winner will be asked to make the July selections, so vote for your arch-enemy — no good deed goes unpunished!
2. beautiful shot of a beautiful flower.
tough one between water lily and lupine, but I'm going with #2 water lily.
Poor ferns....
4. nicely done showing everything of the plant
2 for sure, just love it!
3 - Cinnamon Fern - nice representation of this plant
water lily for sure! ...but the lupine is pretty.
Love the flowers but the Cinnamon Fern is appropriate for the humid weather we've been having. Have to go with #3. Of course the lupines and water lilies sure do like it, too.
I'm going for the underdog group - #3 has my vote
I go with #1, Chris's photo of Royal Fern. Ferns and the setting are so Vermont-y.
I don't want to vote for my own (not because of having to choose photos, just because it seems silly to do so) so I will vote for the water lily.
2 Fragrant Water Lily.
3 for me!
Number 5.
5 I like the lupine!
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