Observation of the Month: Mason Valley Cholla (Cylindropuntia fosbergii) Cactaceae


Collecting specimens of cacti for the herbarium is not for the faint of heart--hands become targets for spines and glochids as stems, flowers, and fruits are collected and prepared for pressing. The San Diego Natural History Museum's herbarium holds only a few specimens of the cactus known as Mason Valley Cholla (Cylindropuntia fosbergii). Fortunately, taking photos of cacti is relatively easy and enjoyed by many. This observation of the month, posted by birgitknorr, is one of over 450 verified observations on iNat of Mason Valley Cholla in San Diego County. These iNat observations help to refine the extent of the range of this narrow endemic which is on the California Native Plant Society Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants. Of the hundreds of observations on iNat, over 200 were posted by birgitknorr whose profile states that she is fascinated by Cylindropuntia fosbergii and wanted to map its range. Bravo, birgitknorr!

Posted on 28 February, 2018 21:10 by milliebasden milliebasden


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