Mid Winter Review

In the bleak mid-winter going out into the field isn't appealing, and generally isn't too productive either. But one thing I learned doing archaeology many years ago -- reviewing what's already 'in the bag' can be very productive. Don't get much exercise that way though.

So I've been reviewing my photos, especially from the summers of 2016 and 2017, looking for new things, and in particular trying to make some headway in taxa where I am often stymied -- beetles and flies, for example.

Also, I've started contributing to "Flower-visiting Wasps of the US and Canada", a category that I suspect the Bogus Corridor is particularly rich in. Reviewing my photographs of flower-visiting wasps has resulted in some interesting new information: Palmodes dimidiatus, Poecilopompilus interruptus, Cerceris intricata ssp. graphica, Paracyphononyx funereus, Parazumia symmorpha and Cerceris insolita.

In October, I'd spent some time analyzing my photos of long-legged flies and felt I made some progress, but some of my conclusions have yet to be supported by expert review. The diptera are daunting.

Posted on 05 January, 2018 17:07 by martinlucas martinlucas


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