Turning Black Friday into Green

🍂 It was a gorgeous day to turn a black Friday into a green EwA nature circle. We spent few hours exploring our woods! Leafy brain, tons of polypores and gilled mushrooms, sumac and remnants of goldenrods, countless oaks in their last shedding spree, and so many birds —including nuthatches, chickadees, titmice, warblers, jays, and a lovely Downy woodpecker pair. Our last sighting before leaving was one of a red-tailed hawk soaring...

What a feast for the eyes and the heart this was! 💚
» EwA Nature Circles

Posted on 25 November, 2017 04:10 by akilee akilee


Great stuff, and a great way to spend Black Friday! :)

Posted by sambiology over 6 years ago

Thanks @sambiology! It was such a great fun... And we're ready to get out again this weekend this time go wild tracking! :-)

Posted by akilee over 6 years ago

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