Blendon Woods at Dusk

I walked a bit at Blendon Woods MetroPark this evening around dusk. Noticed a couple of raccoons - one at a bird feeder and another just rustling around at the side of the trail to Thoreau Lake. I startled him and he startled me back!

At the lake there were a few Canada geese, and one brown goose that I haven't ever seen before. It had a knob on its bill, a stripe along the top of its head and down its neck. It had a conspicuous white bottom with brown wings that looked almost like it was wearing a short, pleated skirt or apron over the white bottom. There was only one of these birds, and it was swimming along with a Canada goose couple that didn't seem to mind.

The only picture that looks anything like this goose is the swan goose - Anser cygnoides. If it is a swan goose, it's a long, long way from home! I did find someone in Michigan who had photographed a similar bird and also identified it as a swan goose.

When I got home after dark, I noticed what looked like a Fowler's toad on the sidewalk. We rarely see toads in the 'burbs, so it took me by surprise. Once in a while we'll hear the spring peepers, but this wasn't a spring peeper.

Posted on 11 May, 2011 03:17 by tinotchka tinotchka


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