An Augury of Winter

Lisa noticed the dragonfly on the window screen this morning. With the sun now warming the insect, I stepped outside to get a photograph before it flew away. A brisk fall morning with the temperature right at 50 degrees F. Curiously the dragonfly, a recently emerged Common Green Darner, gripped the window screen and perched at an odd angle, off-kilter or tipped as if fallen or lifted by a sudden updraft of wind. The double shadows intrigued me as well---one for the dragonfly one for me. Best of all was the happenstance of having a snowflake ornament as a backdrop, presaging the end of a season this last day of September.

Posted on 01 October, 2017 04:22 by scottking scottking


Photos / Sounds


Common Green Darner (Anax junius)




September 30, 2017 07:32 AM CDT


Common Green Darner, male
on house window
Northfield, Minnesota


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