Joined: Nov 21, 2018 Last Active: Sep 17, 2024 iNaturalist Australia
Have been involved with a range of conservation organisations for over 35 years. These organisations included Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, Convenor of Brisbane Valley Koala Preservation Society, Coordinator of Esk Nature Search 2001, Convenor of Townsville Seagrass Watch, Education Officer of the Butterfly House Southbank, Convenor of BirdLife Southern Queensland, President of BrisBOCA, surveyor for the Queensland Wader Study Group and managing my own native animal hospital, the Australian Fauna Ward in Brisbane, still operating today. I have been involved in bird care and bird surveys for over 40 years and I believe that focusing on educating young people will provide a strong platform for environmental consciousness in Australia’s future generations. To do this, we need a balance of clear educational messages that explicitly explain bird conservation, while also encouraging young people to be involved in hands-on bird survey work. Now retired as Science Head for Albany Creek State High School. I been photographing the moths that come to my veranda light per month for the last 10 years. I am a moderator for Eremaea Birdlines- Southeast Queensland and a moderator for eBird Australia - Queensland.
eBird Profile: