Joined: Apr 22, 2023 Last Active: Sep 14, 2024 iNaturalist United Kingdom
I try to encourage students to engage with the natural world, and I'm very glad one of them encouraged me to use iNaturalist, as it prompts me to learn many new creatures and plants. (So I'm benefiting! but I like that being here makes me feel a bit useful to a big project and fellow contributors too). Thank you to many generous identifiers on this site who have helped me. (Don't be afraid to ask people questions here, terse responses are rare).
I've seemingly done a large number of IDs, but that might encourage anyone who wants to get involved? - they're mostly common, easily distinguishable species
I hope I'm careful but please point out when I'm talking nonsense, I will embrace your knowledge and soon get over the shame :)
My top tip is to submit more than one photo - people will probably find your species more identifiable if they can see it from different angles.