Journal archives for March 2020

13 March, 2020

Recent Posts

I've been going on a journey down memory lane, grabbing every photo I could find on my computer, from all the family trips, with my friends or just in everyday life, anything of biological interest.
It's been quite a ride, but I'm almost done!
Just three folders to go, and then I´ll probably only upload fresh material

Posted on 13 March, 2020 21:10 by tiagojrc tiagojrc | 0 comments | Leave a comment

14 March, 2020

Last folders

I'm having some troubles with the last two folders, from 2015-2016, because they´re mostly pictures of birds in mixed locations and I´m trying to figure out what was taken where.
Its annoying because some of those pictures are great and they're of species I haven´t posted about yet...

Posted on 14 March, 2020 20:41 by tiagojrc tiagojrc | 0 comments | Leave a comment

18 March, 2020

300 Posts!

I finally finished clearing the old pictures from my hard drive and made it to 300 observations! i´m very glad about this. From now on I'll only upload new, recent sightings(probably, unless I find some old gem)

Posted on 18 March, 2020 16:06 by tiagojrc tiagojrc | 0 comments | Leave a comment

24 March, 2020

Nothing new

Well, I haven´t got out of the house lately because of the virus, so I keep seeing the same species over and over, mostly birds and bugs. Therefore I'll only be uploading the pictures I like the most, the ones that turned out better, since they're all repeated sightings anyway, so to speak. Hopefully something new shows up soon.

Posted on 24 March, 2020 23:59 by tiagojrc tiagojrc | 5 comments | Leave a comment
