Journal archives for March 2024

04 March, 2024

Tim's snorkel trail

2 March 2024
One hour after high tide
Vis: 8 m +

On page 109 of Island Notes by Tim Higham, he describes one of his favourite snorkel spots on Aotea / Great Barrier Island. It starts at a small wharf on the Northwestern side of Tryphena Harbour.

I was cold from my previous snorkel, the sun had gone and the wind was up but it was not long after high tide in late summer on Aotea where the water is always clear so I was keen to get in again. I was promised seagrass and eagle rays and the trip did not disappoint.

Lush subtidal meadows extend deep into the harbour right from the ramp where I find eagle rays, snapper and spotty. A leatherjacket evades my camera and I head for the complex rocket terrain where I was expecting to see crayfish and a barren that Tim described the development of around 2017/2018. In the book there is hope that the kelp that was lost to high temperatures would come back if there were enough crayfish and snapper to control the kina. Its been about six years and I still looks like barrens. The kelp along the edge of the barren looks stressed and the small crayfish and snapper I see are clearly not up to the job. Two large grey sponges here had large white scars which are correlated with temperature increases.

I found a few patches of exotic Caulerpa but it's not making strong inroads here. I find this odd given the boulder habitat is similar to Schooner Bay where exotic Caulerpa is pervasive. I was very pleased to not see it in the seagrass meadows.

Heading further south I get to the first few rocks he has told me to check out. It's hard to tell exactly where I am as the swell is obscuring the rocks. There are large schools of silver sweep here with New Zealand demoiselles and blue maomao in the mix. The water is thick with salps, some of the chains are still intact and I identify at least three different types, some seem to move. The salps prove hard to photograph and together with the bubbles from the waves on the rocks are making it hard to get good shots of other life.

Tim told me to stay on the outside of the rocks and to dive deep off the main rock to see kingfish. I didn't see any haku but I was impressed with a massive school of silver drummer and much smaller school of juvenile tāmure. The visibility here is amazing, it must be more than 10m. Heading back I see a butterfish by the first rocks. Tim mentioned I would see them. He also described octopus homes in the seagrass meadows so I look for those on the way back but seem to have missed them.

This was the best snorkel I have had on the island, I loved the range of habitats and fish diversity, highly recommend.

Posted on 04 March, 2024 03:32 by shaun-lee shaun-lee | 30 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

22 March, 2024

Dive Report: South of North Reef

22 March 2024
7:30 am High tide
Vis 7m
Wave height 0.5m
Wind 5 knots
54 minutes
Max depth 16.4m

This was the second dive of the day with @jordi_nz and having already done a beautiful but uneventful dawn dive (however it was unusual to see a few individual kahawai shoot past us). We left the beach in a kayak and paddle board heading towards North Reef. I was surprised to observe the water close to shore looked clearer than it was during our earlier dive at high tide. Maybe the swell was dying down. It only took 10 minutes to get to the dive site, we were a little bit south of North Reef and did a NW dive line.

About seven large snapper circled us at the surface and we slowly dropped down 7-8 meters. The first thing I noticed was the Ecklonia Radiata which was in a terrible state. I looked for urchins to blame but could only see a few kina and the odd centros (note we did not see crayfish on either dive). The kelp was lush last time I dived the area in April 2022. UPDATE: @clinton pointed out that this study was done in the area and implicates grazing by the lysianassid amphipod Orchomenella aahu in dieback of the kelp.

There were so many fish! Huge schools of silver sweep and koheru wre everywhere. Blue maomao and the odd butterfly perch joined the schools. Large snapper and red moki roamed everywhere. Big eye and slender roughy could be found under ledges and trenches, along with the odd sleeping moki. We saw also leatherjacket and eagle rays. Demoiseles were defending their eggs, we saw several Sandager's wrasse get chased away. I also saw the demoiseles swimming close to the eggs and doing a little wiggle to oxygenate them. To top it of we were circled by a school of large kingfish which is always a real treat. I recommend this dive spot and will return to see what happens to the kelp.

Posted on 22 March, 2024 19:22 by shaun-lee shaun-lee | 14 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

31 March, 2024

Dive Report: Mangawhai Cliff Walk

1 hr snorkel
30 March 2024
High tide
Vis 6m
Wave height 1m
Wind 20 knots

Nice swim given it had been raining the day before. First time seeing centros on this coast, a thousand kina, large barren rocks, some small patches of ecklonia but carpophyllum the dominant remaining flora. Fish count below:

7 or so red moki a few additional juveniles
1 30cm snapper
A few parore
1 silver drummer
A few small goatfish
2 hiwihiwi
A school of piper
A school of kahawai
A few tiny schools of sweep (both types)
1 small school trevally
Many spotty, all sizes
1 banded wrasse
2 smallish leatherjacket

Posted on 31 March, 2024 02:32 by shaun-lee shaun-lee | 17 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment