Journal archives for September 2022

24 September, 2022

Hammond Pond Saturday Afternoon Walk (09/24/22)

Today, I went for a nature walk to the Hammond Pond Reservation. It was only about a mile from campus. The weather was nice and sunny with a light breeze and around 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Fall is definitely upon us as it is much chillier in the late morning than it was even a week ago. On my way to the Hammond Pond Reservation, I saw several squirrels (one of which is documented). Most observations are from the reservation but the squirrel was outside near the street. It was nice to see plants (both in water and on land) and animals (birds, insects, and mammals). Overall, I enjoyed being in nature away from the stresses and constant noise of a college campus.

Posted on 24 September, 2022 19:14 by oneillcw oneillcw | 11 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment
