07 July, 2024

5 July, 2024: Blacklight Party

*Note: All parameters were taken at the start of survey unless otherwise stated.

Location: [redacted, private residence].

Date: 5 July, 2024

Time: 8:30-10:20 PM

Temperature: 82*F

Humidity: 67%

Wind: 5 mph W

Conditions: New moon. Partially cloudy, ~10% cloud cover

Surrounding habitat: Suburban backyard. Tree composition primarily eastern red cedar (juniper), with neighboring properties hosting deciduous trees. Several fallen cedar trees are in the yard in varying states of decay.

Posted on 07 July, 2024 00:37 by nick_nv04 nick_nv04 | 58 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

05 July, 2024

3 July 2024: Blacklight Party!

*Note: All parameters were taken at the start of survey unless otherwise stated.

Location: [redacted, private residence]

Date: 3 July, 2024

Time: 9:30-10:30

Temperature: 83* F

Humidity: 73%

Wind: SSE 2 mph

Conditions: Clear, 0% cloud cover. Very, very hot during the day.

Surrounding habitat: Suburban backyard. Tree composition primarily eastern red cedar (juniper), with neighboring properties hosting deciduous trees. Several fallen cedar trees are in the yard in varying states of decay.

Notes: Survey immediately followed another using a LED bulb. Sheet was hung off of a balcony.

Posted on 05 July, 2024 13:36 by nick_nv04 nick_nv04 | 31 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

3 July 2024: White Light Sheet

*Note: All parameters were taken at the start of survey unless otherwise stated.

Lighting: LED bulb (60W/120V)

Location: [redacted, private residence]

Date: 3 July, 2024

Time: 8:30-9:30

Temperature: 85* F

Humidity: 67%

Wind: S 4 mph

Conditions: Clear, 0% cloud cover. Very, very hot during the day.

Surrounding habitat: Suburban backyard. Tree composition primarily eastern red cedar (juniper), with neighboring properties hosting deciduous trees. Several fallen cedar trees are in the yard in varying states of decay.

Posted on 05 July, 2024 13:32 by nick_nv04 nick_nv04 | 12 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

30 May, 2024

24 May, 2024: Blacklight Party!

*Note: All parameters were taken at the start of survey unless otherwise stated.

Location: [redacted, private residence].

Date: 24 May, 2024

Time: 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Temperature: 22.2-18.9*C (72-66*F)

Humidity: 76-95%

Wind: S 4 MPH - E 3 MPH

Conditions: Clear. Storms are expected past 10. Heavy rain for past few days. Cloudy towards end of survey.

Surrounding habitat: Suburban neighborhood. Host yard is primarily eastern red cedar trees, with surroundings deciduous. A small creek is right down the street.

Notes: While waiting for insects to arrive to light, I wandered the yard in search of other creatures of interest. These have been included as well.

Posted on 30 May, 2024 02:52 by nick_nv04 nick_nv04 | 54 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

29 May, 2024

27 May, 2024: Blacklight Party!

**Note: All parameters were taken at the start of survey unless otherwise stated.

Location: [redacted, private residence].

Time: 8:20 PM-10:00 PM

Temperature: 23.8° C / 75° F

Humidity: 67%

Wind: WNW 4 mph

Conditions: partially cloudy, transitioning to overcast within an hour. The previous two days had been filled with heavy rains and thunderstorms, leading to saturated earth and foliage. The quarter moon was to fall on the 30th, for what it's worth.

Surrounding habitat: Suburban neighborhood. Tree composition in home yard is primarily eastern red cedar, while surrounding acres host more deciduous trees. A small creek is within a short jaunt.

Notes: While waiting on insects to arrive to the light, I wandered the yard to seek wandering insects and other finds. These are included in the associated observations.

Posted on 29 May, 2024 13:15 by nick_nv04 nick_nv04 | 74 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment
