Bumble Bees vs other Insects

I made this for the upcoming ID-a-thon, it's basically a brief look at Bumble Bees and some of the groups that I see commonly mistaken for them.

Updated to slides.

Posted on 19 May, 2021 01:43 by neylon neylon


All the pictures and details make these entries so valuable. Thank you for all the time that must have gone into this effort.

Posted by sarahwilson1 over 3 years ago

Thank you so much! This is a fantastic resource. I find the diversity of Anthophila a bit overwhelming, even though it's one of the many fascinating things about bees. You've provided some excellent pointers and comparative photos.

Posted by wildnettle over 3 years ago

Thank you so much for these guides! This is much needed.

Posted by becca_nh over 1 year ago

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