Journal archives for October 2016

10 October, 2016

New Guide, New Project, and a Potential Project

Today has been an exciting day for me concerning Euphorbia on iNaturalist.

First, I have added a new project for the Euphorbias of the United States. I actually started working on it a while ago but didn't start adding observations just recently (after my Thesis Defense). Anyone who is interested in participating is more than welcome. And, if you post something outside of sect. Anisophyllum, there's a much greater chance that I'll actually ID it instead of skip past looking for Chamaesyces. Here is the link:

Second, I put a new guide out for Texans wanting to ID their weedy species of Euphorbia sect. Anisophyllum (i.e., Chamaesyce). This has been in the works for a while now and I finally decided to finish it. Here's the link:

Lastly, there may be a project for the Euphorbias in Mexico soon. Stay tuned!

Posted on 10 October, 2016 05:21 by nathantaylor nathantaylor | 5 comments | Leave a comment

25 October, 2016

Big Thicket Observations

All my Big Thicket observations are up (except for a few outside the preserve boundary)! For those who weren't there, it was a great trip. There were a lot of highlights but I've only chosen a few here. Aside from the general awesomeness of the trip, it also gave me a few thoughts on Euphorbia.

Firstly, I saw two species in person for the first time: E. corollata and E. cordifolia. I also saw two species on the preserve that were not on the plant list (Euphorbia prostrata and E. hyssopifolia). I also saw a species (not on the preserve but nearby) that is not known from East Texas (E. serpillifolia; unless it turns out to be E. meganaesos, but that's a potentially complicated story for another day). Euphorbia serpillifolia is only known from the Trans-Pecos in Texas.

Lastly, @ellen5 noticed today that the cyathial appendages of the Euphorbia corollata plants at the preserve were shorter than those growing further northeast. The short solution would be to call all the plants E. pubentissima and be done with it. However, I ended up looking at the two specimens I collected in the area and comparing them to the new volume of the Flora of North America. One of these specimens keyed to one of three different species depending on which one of three different characters were used. This ultimately means that there is some work to do in the complex and a new taxonomic problem to untangle.

Overall, I'd say it was a productive and fun trip .... even if I didn't see Euphorbia humistrata.

Posted on 25 October, 2016 21:18 by nathantaylor nathantaylor | 14 observations | 6 comments | Leave a comment