Journal archives for July 2020

09 July, 2020

3-5 July

Temperature up to 30 deg and sticky in the evenings. Bugs moderate in the forest but none on my deck. Worked at McGregor Lookout, across to SW lookout, then around Clifford Lake. Four Rose Pogonia on a floating log - seems to be the northernmost record in this part of the world (on iNaturalist).

Posted on 09 July, 2020 22:54 by knomealone knomealone | 0 comments | Leave a comment

8-10 July

Very hot throughout, with daytime up to 33 C. and nights not going below about 16 C. Heavy rain just before we arrived on 8th afternoon, so quite humid on 9th morning. Walked to the Aire Pellisier at the head of McGregor Lake, but was told by the attendant that i could not walk out on the dock. Saw a snipe probing mud along the river bank. Many flying ants in the cottage but we cannot find out where they are coming from.

Posted on 09 July, 2020 23:00 by knomealone knomealone | 0 comments | Leave a comment

22 July, 2020

Visit to Lac la Goeland, near Mayo, PQ, 21 July 2020

Visited a friend's cottage at Lac la Goeland for about two hours in the afternoon: hunted for dragonflies and other shoreline life around the NE end of the lake. First records of Slaty Skimmer and Calico Pennant

Posted on 22 July, 2020 18:54 by knomealone knomealone | 2 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment
