Journal archives for March 2021

08 March, 2021

Pokagon State Park

This past weekend was spent in and around Pokagon State Park, in Steuben County, Indiana. Most of the wildlife I saw were year-round residents, but there was an anticipation in the air for the imminent Spring quickly approaching. At the nearby Marsh Lake, Sandhill Cranes were trumpeting the hills, and Canadian Geese seemed to be marching through the skies, in an early expedition to unclaimed breeding grounds. Red-winged Blackbirds were clinging to the tallest reeds they could find, serenading all the prospective females spectating from the safety of the underbrush. Overall, in every corner I looked, I could see preparations being made for another great cycle of life. Buds on every tree branch were beginning to appear, and even small wildflowers were pushing up bits of soil and leaf litter.

Outside of the park were several adjacent nature reserves that made for some quiet and peaceful hiking. I was able to study some evergreens that stood out among the bare bones of the hardwoods. I observed Eastern White Pine, Eastern Hemlock, Red Pine, and a couple species of Spruce. It was during a short hike through one of these reserves that I heard a booming call in the air of two Barred Owls. It's hard to say what exactly they were talking about, but I like to imagine that he was calling back to his mate, just to make sure she is still safe and present in her nest, while he scours the forest floor for squirrels, mice, and voles for her, and possibly a few owlets.

Overall this trip was a much needed respite from weeks and months of staying indoors, looking at the cold, gray weather. The anticipation of Spring fills me with encouragement and energy, and I am looking forward to seeing the explosion of life during the next couple of months.

Posted on 08 March, 2021 19:52 by csonafrank csonafrank | 11 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment
