Journal archives for June 2020

14 June, 2020

Subspecies ID

Something I’m relatively annoyed at is when people say you can’t ID subspecies by range, and says it can’t be confirmed and your messing up the scientific process. I say subspecies can be IDed by range, and most have other features that help with the ID which is different from species. Some species look exactly the same such as female blue grouse, and many tropical species. You ID them to species by range, so why can’t I do them with subspecies.

Posted on 14 June, 2020 20:23 by connorcochrane connorcochrane | 0 comments | Leave a comment

17 June, 2020

Peregrine Falcon

Just watched the murder of a Band-tailed Pigeon. I heard it franticly fly away when I head a lot swooping noise an a dark falcon, traveling probably above 150 breezed by a got the pigeon that was to late. Wished I captured it on Camera

Posted on 17 June, 2020 18:13 by connorcochrane connorcochrane | 1 comment | Leave a comment
