Yesterday a Brant showed up at Waukegan Beach in Lake County, IL. I went to go for it as it is a really good bird. Later in the day it was seen flying south along the lakefront by @vnevirkov. Someone predicted that it's next stop would be Montrose, and they were 100% right. I just wish I had my new camera today, it would've been amazing. The Brant would walk up to you within 12 feet and just sit there. My digibins don't do the bird justice. We also saw a Tundra Swan off the end of the pier which was a new bird for my hotspot list. I'm sitting at 240 for Montrose with the Brant! Later in the day I saw that @henrygriffin and @ieobrien refound a Northern Bobwhite at Wolf lake, which we went and got. I think it could be the bird that summers at Egger's Grove just overwintering. Driving down to the end of the road at Wolf Lake we found Mute and Trumpeter Swans which gave us all 3 possible swans to find in the L48 in one day! I played a mob-tape and a Carolina Wren burst out in its descending call.
Not an insane day, but still a really fun one!
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