Journal archives for March 2013

01 March, 2013

Species Interactions

  1. I spotted a crow on campus that was searching for food in the grass. It lifted its head up and had a worm in its mouth.
  2. A honey bee was pollinating ice plant flowers at the Marin Headlands.
  3. 2 Canadian geese were searching for food in the grass.
  4. A human appears to be fighting with a falcon.
Posted on 01 March, 2013 05:13 by apk apk | 4 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Species Hunt

I saw some sea lions while hiking in Marin. There were a group of sea lions on a different rock, but the picture I have used here is of a sea lion that I saw swim over to a different rock. There was a seagull sitting on this rock and we were joking about if the sea lion would try to eat it.

Posted on 01 March, 2013 05:31 by apk apk | 1 observation | 0 comments | Leave a comment

22 March, 2013


  1. A plant with regular flowers: Genus prunus
  2. A plant with irregular flowers: Western Redbud
  3. A monocot: Yellow flower that I believe to be a lily. It as 6 petals, a multiple of 3 which is a characteristic of a monocot.
  4. A dicot: reticulte vein patterns in the leaf
  5. A plant in the pea family (Fabaceae): Vetch
  6. A Gymnosperm: Monterrey pine
  7. A terrestrial plant that is not a seed plant: bushy lichen
  8. A plant with pinnate leaves: Fern
  9. A plant with opposite leaves: I am unsure what the plant is, but the leaves both emerge from the same node on the stem.
  10. A plant in the sunflower family (Asteraceae): Genus Euryops
Posted on 22 March, 2013 03:32 by apk apk | 10 observations | 1 comment | Leave a comment

Spring Observations

  1. I spotted many different types of wild flowers on a short hike in the Claremont Canyon. The amount of flowers that were in bloom were clear signs of the seasons changing into Spring.
  2. Squirrel- I actually chased this squirrel out of my house after I found it eating scraps of food on the floor in my dining room. I was able to catch a picture of it eating what it found before it ran away.
  3. I spotted these Azalea's in bloom when walking through campus. When I was growing up we had a lot of azalea's in my yard, so they have always been a sign of Spring for me.
  4. Red-flowering Currant: A few weeks ago I would spot a couple red-flowering currants in bloom, but as we have gotten closer to spring I have noticed these plants in full bloom all over the place.
  5. I spotted this pocket gopher popping in and out of its whole when walking home one evening.
Posted on 22 March, 2013 03:43 by apk apk | 6 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment
