26 September, 2020

200 Species

A milestone of sorts. With my ID of yesterday's noseburn as Tragia brevispica, I have reached 200 species. Several of them have come this month. I was sort of retreating into a cocoon, when August's MN Walking Challenge, and then the DFW Socially Distant Bioblitz got me out and about.

Posted on 26 September, 2020 16:05 by abigailmm abigailmm | 1 observation | 0 comments | Leave a comment

16 March, 2017

Adding sounds

Well, I have managed to get a couple of sound observations in at last. Kind of cumbersome, especially with no wifi at home. I record a sound memo on the phone - has to be a good loud birdie to register well enough. Then I email the file to myself, and when I have wifi, download to the computer. Only the web version of Soundcloud, not the app, uploads, so I do that on the Air at a hotspot, like the Elections Bldg. after today's Naturalist mtg. Then, on the computer, I make the observation. I already have a confirmation on the crows, good and loud. Hope someone can make something of my mystery bird.

Posted on 16 March, 2017 19:46 by abigailmm abigailmm | 0 comments | Leave a comment
