Yard on Mexican plum
I brushed it away thinking it was a dried up leaf and it flew. iNat only gave me some out of the country choice. Beautiful rusty brown head.
2 lizards with 2 different posturings. This one is puffed up vertically and curls the tail. It moved up and down with each step, not the pumping the front like the other.
This one has less markings on the back but blue and black markings down the sides and under the throat. Couldn't find info on male vs female or various posturing. If you have links please share as i would like to know more about their rituals. This one only did the pumping of the front end and ran normal.
Sid Richardson Tract Bioblitz
Sid Richardson Tract Bioblitz
Thrilled to have a Vermilion Flycatcher back. Seem to have an immature or female or male each winter for a brief time.
Several in mowed but mostly forb filled unbuilt lot between houses
Yard, resting on helianthus annuus, the smaller green one