Not sure whether this is a suitable observation as there is no trace of life(insect) in these images. Would like to know if these are some kind of Ant trails(pheromone trails) and what causes the trails to become so prominently visible. There were many such lines throughout on the rocky-groud of the plateau. No ants/insects were seen. The trail lines ended at the pile of seed chaffs.
Şefaatli, Yozgat, Türkiye. Elevation: 940m. Spring.
No lifeform harmed during the observation.
Small tree of over 6 feet high, small reddish fruits and, with 3 leaves in one stack. Growing in a Oak forest.
Aphids? some white insects on the leaves of a plant.
This looks like a bird dropping, but it is something like a cocoon. From a bush on the road to Badrinath.
A small cocoon like object hanging from a flower stalk.