Litoria rothii , thanks Mathew, that may have been injured in some way at Lorella
Identified as Litoria rothii on Bowerbird by Matthew Connors: "You're right Linda, L. peronii is not found in NT, although it does look quite similar"
Herb; c. 1.5 m high; flower 12 mm by 10 mm across; leaf 42 mm long by 10 mm wide, sticky.
Sighting and photos (c) streakybacon.
Sighting and photos (c) bryn.
Habitat - Near a rocky outcrop
How many? - 1
Additional comments? - grey coloured frogmouth owl with large ‘eyelashes’
Nest present - No
Behavior - Resting
Sighting and photos (c) surfap.
Field Notes - very small bird
Sighting and photos (c) bryn.
Habitat - Rural
How many? - 1
Additional comments? - flycather with fawn on chest and dark back
Nest present - No
Behavior - Feeding
Sighting and photos (c) superspotter111.
Habitat - Near a rocky outcrop
Nest present - No
Behavior - Calling
How many? - 1
Additional comments? -
Sighting and photos (c) superspotter111.
Sighting and photos (c) surfap.
Sighting and photos (c) caz1.
Sighting and photos (c) jenal.
Behavior - Resting
Habitat - Near a road
How many? - 3
Sighting and photos (c) jenal.
Behavior - Resting
Habitat - Near a road
How many? - 1
Herb; c. 1.5 m high; flower 12 mm by 10 mm across; leaf 42 mm long by 10 mm wide, sticky.
Sighting and photos (c) heggie.
Sighting and photos (c) theanimalteam.
Field Notes - "this bird is,grayish,whitish small and don't no what it's acting like''