Perennial herb growing from a tuber. Stem c. 45 cm tall. Leaves lanceolate, erect with basal partially sheathing. Flowers c 1.5-2 cm across.
Growing in undisturbed Kalahari woodland in Kalahari Sands.
Perennial herb growing from an irregular tuberous rootstock. Leaves just starting to emerge at flowering. Inflorescence c. 70 cm tall, laxly flowered.
Growing in degraded miombo woodland in sandy loam soil.
Perennial herb with flower stem c. 1 m tall. Leaves absent at flowering.
Growing in miombo woodland on gravelly soils.
Growing in wet seepage wooded dambo grassland in greyish clay soil.
Growing on a rocky slope in miombo woodland.
Growing in lightly disturbed miombo woodland in full sun to partial shade in compacted sandy loam soil.
Growing in undisturbed miombo woodland amongst short to medium sized grasses and forbs in sandy loam soil.
Collection NCW408 to be lodged at K, NDO and NU.
Growing in shade of large Brachystegia tree in leaf litter.
Dorsal sepal c. 4 x 1.5 mm. Lateral sepals and petals c. 3 x 1 mm. Labellum c. 4 x 4 mm with two ridges in centre.
Growing in dense shade on periphery of termite mound in leaf litter over sandy loam soils.
Collection NCW418 to be lodged at NDO and NU.
Growing in undisturbed miombo woodland in open areas with sparse short grasses and forbs in sandy loam soil.
Collection NCW410 to be lodged at NU.
Growing in rocky miombo woodland in sandy loam soil with thick leaf litter.
Growing in high rainfall rocky miombo woodland in sandy loam soil.
Growing in dryer edges of dambo grassland in vicinity of Disa welwitschii subsp. welwitschii and Lannea edulis near Kanyafimbolo Village in clay loam
Growing in undisturbed miombo woodland in and around termitaria in sandy loam soil.
Wet to moist areas of open dambo grassland growing in sandy loam to black muck soils.
Wet dambo grassland growing in black muck soil.
Open dambo grassland growing in black mucky soils with Platycoryne sp., Disa equestris, Ascolepis protea etc...
Open dambo grassland growing in sandy loam soil in drier raised areas.
Undisturbed miombo woodland growing in sandy loam soil.
Photographed in seasonally wet riverside dambo.
Riverside grassland growing in silty sandy soil.
Undisturbed miombo woodland in leaf litter over sandy loam soil.