Photographing Dianella


What Good Photographs Must Have 4

Dianella Nigra and Dianella Haematica can often be confused with each other as at a glance they look the same.

The first photo shows what the fruits of both look like - there is no difference.

However, at the bottom of the leaves is where the difference lies - the D.nigra has green at the bottom as seen in the second photo while the D.haematica has red at the bottom as seen in the third photo with a closeup in the forrth photo.

Make sure you photograph the bottom to help with ID.

Tweaking Photos 4

Check out the General Guide for Tweaking Photos for tips on how to:

  • Sharpen photos
  • Lighten photos
  • Fix washed out photos
  • Crop Photos

    Other Photo Guides 4

    Sources and Credits

    1. (c) Phil Bendle, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Phil Bendle
    2. (c) Lisa Bennett, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lisa Bennett
    3. (c) tangatawhenua, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by tangatawhenua
    4. (c) tangatawhenua, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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    Photographing Plants