Photographing Sundews


What Must Be In The Photograph 3

Drosera auriculata and Drosera hookeri may look the same at first glance (first photo)

  • The hairs on the back (second photograph) are for the Drosera hookeri
  • No hairs on the back (third photograph) are for the Drosera auriculata

To get an ID for the Drosera pygmaea, you must get a photograpgh of the tufts in the middle (forth photograph)

Tweaking Photos 3

Check out the General Guide for Tweaking Photos for tips on how to:

  • Sharpen photos
  • Lighten photos
  • Fix washed out photos
  • Crop Photos

    Other Photo Guides 3

    Sources and Credits

    1. (c) Leon Perrie, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA), uploaded by Leon Perrie
    2. (c) tangatawhenua, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by tangatawhenua
    3. (c) tangatawhenua, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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    Photographing Plants