I have no idea what this is. There's entire orders of tiny arthropods I'm not familiar with beyond name and general morphology, but still, it's strange to get good clean shots of a thing and still have no idea what I'm looking at.
Edit: We have a professional ID! https://bugguide.net/node/view/1977688/bgimage
In small groups on grass stalks, near water. Observed waggling their front legs in the air.
Habitat hypersaline lake.
Image 1 - Male, dorsal view.
Image 2 - Female, dorsal view.
Image 3 - Male head, frontal view, showing the distal segments of the second antennae to be i) flat, ii) broadly triangular, iii) with pointed apices directed medially.
Image 4 - Habitat.
The major solution salt in this lake is sodium carbonate (Cummings, J.M. 1940. Saline and Hydromagnesite Deposits of British Columbia, Bulletin No. 4. BC Dept of Mines: 160pp)
Habitat small, temporary grassland pool.
Image 1 shows the female, ventral view.
Image 2 shows the male, ventral view.
Image 3 shows the male 5th legs, posterior view, with two cuticular outgrowths on the inner margin of the right basis.
Image 4 shows shows the process on the antepenultimate segment of the male right first antenna.
Image 5 shows female dorsal view , with expanded metasomal wings (above) and genital segment with lateral protrusions (below).
Image 6 shows the female 5th pair of legs.
Choy Aming, Bermudian shark researcher and expert, sitting on top of a dead Sperm Whale floating off Challenger Banks, Bermuda. Cause of death is unknown. Choy was called to the scene in order to film 3 Tiger Sharks and 1 Blue Shark feasting on the carcass. Photo taken by Chris Burville.
Eating an ant
Mycena sp. 'Nile River'. Went back after a tip from J. Cooper that these might be bioluminescent. They were emitting a faint glow.
Exposure times of 6-8 minutes at f/8 and ISO 3200 were reasonable. Some post-process tweaking.
gorgeous Chariomyrma - species ID tentative but good fit
Third photo shows the beautiful blue basal disc
A female.
April 2017.
Bantimurung National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Adult male gray squirrel eating baby gray squirrel. According to National Geographic they do this to secure a mating position with the mother of the eaten baby.
Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia. Three-day paddling trip from Suwannee Canal to Round Top to Floyd's Island.
See and learn more about the incredible Okefenokee Swamp at www.okefenokee.photography
Help protect the Okefenokee at https://protectokefenokee.org/
Colônia dentro de um casulo abandonado de mariposa
Colony inside an abandoned cocoon
Found in rocky intertidal.
I managed to catch the moment where two Juniperus virginiana pollen grains' intines expanded and ruptured their exines. I think the first probably helped trigger the second. Check out this paper for more on the mechanism at work here.
Unruptured exines
23–27×21–25 μm; Q=1.01–1.15
All slides in water
1: External intines hydrating and expanding to rupture exines
2: Intact pollen grains
3: Ruptured pollen grains
4: Habit
Myxobacterium - moist chamber culture, Acer sacc. Bark
Happy New Year?! Not for this harvestman! Two hours later and Photo 11 shows all that was left of the Pantopsalis. The end photos show the chubby peripatus two hours later. Not sure if the peripatus had 15 or 16 pairs of legs (end photos best for leg counts but not conclusive).
Whirling colony of rotifers connected by the feet. About 2-3mm. Every now and then, they would all retract in unison.
Description of Sinantherina semibullata is that it has two dark warts behind the corona. Viewed under transmitted light these are not dark but simply denser tissue.
Crías gemelas de cocodrilo acutus jejeje
Great fight! A pair of Myiozetetes cayanensis were attached on the road producing loud noise during the fight, attracting the attention of a couple of iratauás
Interested in an ID on the squid held in the bill.
Date is approximately 4 weeks after September 22 - I don't remember exactly when I found it.
Deer shot with copper ammo. I was hoping first mammal this winter would be a Mustalid sp.
On cheese tree Glochidion ferdinandi
Roddy Franco 21099
Visto en Modulo de Ornamentales - Zamorano observacion #4
A female Giant Ichneumon wasp (Megarhyssa macrurus) oviposits into the side of a tree.
I was honored to have this observation selected as observation of the day for June 11, 2020, and again as observation of the week (week of June 21, 2020). It is covered in this blog post: A Trip to Texas Provides a Long Sought Photographic Opportunity - Observation of the Week, 6/21/20.
Many eggs! Low tide.