This is an unusual observation, of an attempted nesting by this species in the "winter breeding habitat". This female did not migrate back to the Valdivian forest in October of 2019,
like most of the animals of this species. Unfortunately, the female abandoned the nest about one week after it was discovered.
GIF image. Special encounter.
Palmeras Fénix y entre medio Palmas chilenas!
Imagery taken during RV Investigator voyage IN2024_V04
Source: Marine National Facility, CSIRO
Location: Richmond Canyon
Depth: 385m
Leafcutter Bee - Megachile macularis sharing nest cavity with wolf spider
Identified as Megachile Eutricharaea macularis on Bowerbird by Ken Walker: "An incredible sequence of images documenting something I could never have imagined."
The upper one with 95cm TL.
1050m Water depth
Yeco alimentandose de rana africana xenopus laevis
Quisco creciendo en un espino
Nurse shark
Patrones realizados por un escarabajo de ambrosia
Каспийский тюлень находился на лежбище на островке у косы Кендирли. Опутан был сетью. Удалось его распутать, и он уплыл в море.
Observed on the Northeast Pacific Deep-sea Expedition in May to June 2023. Look below for a link to the observation video, and check out the expedition website for more info at
Photos taken on a tour given by the Roatan Institute of Deepsea Exploration. Photos from the 26th are during a night dive, the 27th are from the day. Unless otherwise noted, photos taken at somewhere around 1000-1200 feet deep. Location somewhat approximate.
The (guide? pilot?) told us the names of a lot of these fish, but I either didn't properly hear or failed to note down most of them.
If other angles on something are needed, ask me. I may have more pictures.
(description attached to all observations from this trip.)
Photos taken on a tour given by the Roatan Institute of Deepsea Exploration. Photos from the 26th are during a night dive, the 27th are from the day. Unless otherwise noted, photos taken at somewhere around 1000-1200 feet deep. Location somewhat approximate.
The (guide? pilot?) told us the names of a lot of these fish, but I either didn't properly hear or failed to note down most of them.
If other angles on something are needed, ask me. I may have more pictures.
(description attached to all observations from this trip.)
So cute! Actually came up to touch the sub, twice, and got startled away both times. Bonked into the corner of the submarine once. Didn't appear to be harmed, as the submarine wasn't moving at the time.
(Photos out of order, sorry.)
Photos taken on a tour given by the Roatan Institute of Deepsea Exploration. Photos from the 26th are during a night dive, the 27th are from the day. Unless otherwise noted, photos taken at somewhere around 1000-1200 feet deep. Location somewhat approximate.
The (guide? pilot?) told us the names of a lot of these fish, but I either didn't properly hear or failed to note down most of them.
If other angles on something are needed, ask me. I may have more pictures.
(description attached to all observations from this trip.)
Not sure what this is. Wine bottle top for scale
Lajedo Pedra da Janela
What a great mimic!
a couple milimeters long. approx. 3mm long.
Hongo de la familia Coryneliaceae, el ( Pewenomyces kutranfy ) que les produce una intensa cancrosis al Pehúen.
Interrelación: Pewenomyces kutranfy - ( Araucaria araucana ).
Observed on the Northeast Pacific Deep-sea Expedition in May to June 2023. Look below for a link to the observation video, and check out the expedition website for more info at
Varados en la orilla después de una puihua
está sobre un boldo
This is a small one. Maybe less than 50 cm in length with the tail.
Foto con 1 día de diferencia, desconosco la sp de caracol que estaba comiendo.
Maybe a rare unspotted form?
Rayas halladas muertas en la orilla, un macho y una hembra. Forma redondeada y piel moteada, con espina en la cola