Found in terrestrial pine rockland habitat near freshwater blue hole.
Not on IRC's floristic inventory for Simpson Park
Not yet vouchered in the wild in Miami-Dade county.
Not previously on IRC's floristic inventory for Simpson Park.
Seen while driving south along Main Park Rd.
Not yet vouchered in Miami-Dade county.
As mentioned in my comment below, I collected this nymph at the same site I documented a cave cockroach in July 2021.
I had been meaning to come back since then but finally got around to it to check for more. I collected this one and have it alive right now at home. There were plenty of surinam cockroaches around it but this one looked different and my photos appear to match the one I documented in 2021 and other photos online.
Photos showing location:
Related observations of organisms under same rock and nearby rocks:
Heavily infesting some slash pine saplings
Several individuals naturalized in remnant hammock. Aerial roots proliferating on exposed limestone. Many seedlings on the ground below.
Seen while completing plant monitoring with Steve W in the Hole-in-the-Donut, Restoration Area 2003 in Everglades National Park. Location is accurate.
More info about this amazing area here:
Project that includes most of the restoration areas:
Wild status unknown
Wild status not known
Not yet vouchered in Miami-Dade county.
Not yet vouchered in Miami-Dade county.
Not vouchered in Miami-Dade county.
Not vouchered in Miami-Dade county.
2 specimens found, believed to be the same cockroach species, on 2 different species of mushroom.
Some kind of Anthurium. Regardless of species, it hasn't yet been vouchered in the wild in Miami-Dade county.
Not yet vouchered in Florida, but seemingly naturalized in Simpson Park.
New record for park. Needs to be reported to IRC.
Not yet vouchered in Miami-Dade county
Fuzzy leaves and stem
New record for park
Very large fern climbing tree.
Not previously vouchered in Miami-Dade county.
Possibly planted
Not previously vouchered in Miami-Dade county
This observation is for the orange blob exposed to the air, not the tunicates, crab, or orange portion underwater, if that is something different.
One of the few perched caprimulgids I've ever seen, but fairly certain it is an Eastern Whip-Poor-Will.
Not vouchered in Miami-Dade county.
Likely released pet. Found crossing a road near a natural area.
found on a japanese elm at Rockledge Gardens
Wild status unknown. No previous wild records in Pinellas county.
They were swimming around in the shallow water. Their body was gray/black.
Behaved very similar to an Opiliones.
Seen before the Dade Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society's field trip at Camp Owaissa Bauer. Good birding with Noah Frade and Steve W.
Check out their calendar for future field trips and meetings:
There were two giving a call Larry Manfredi recorded at this same location last September. His recording is here:
eBird checklist from today