Looking for ID of spider inside, possibly a Crab Spider based on the yellow abdomen.
See this observation and discussion: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/114018283
2 large patches. One 8 in x 4 in and another 6 in x 3 in.
The shades of rose turned chocolate brown the next day.
Found on the surface of an old ground up stump in Burke, VA.
I reached out to a prominent slime mold expert and this was his response:
It does appear to be an unusually large fruiting (immature and still developing) of a Stemonitis. During fruiting, species of Stemonitis go all the way from white to red, brown or black.
Dr. Steven L. Stephenson
Research Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Arkansas
On Bird Walk with DC Audubon Society
Bird walk at Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve