Lunchtime Learning Sessions

Hi everyone! Starting next week, I will be doing a "Lunchtime Learning" session every Wednesday at noon. For the first 15 to 20 minutes, I will present on how to use a feature in iNaturalist, Vermont eBird, or eButterfly. With my screen shared, you can easily follow along. Some weeks I will give a 15 to 20 minute presentation on a cool Vermont natural history topic. For the rest of the hour, feel free to stick around and ask questions, either focused on how to use one of the aforementioned platforms or on something surrounding Vermont's ecology and natural history. Please pre-register using this Survey Monkey form and I will email you the zoom link on Wednesday morning. There is an option to add any questions you may have in the Survey Monkey form - if I get your questions by Monday each week there is a chance it will be the topic of the mini-presentation! For this week, I will consider questions until Tuesday because I have not given much notice about this. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, either through my iNaturalist page or by email: Looking forward to meeting many of you in the coming weeks!

Polished Lady Beetle (Cycloneda munda)
Image credit: Julia Pupko

Posted on 16 October, 2020 16:58 by jpupko jpupko


will you record these sessions so they can be watched later?

Posted by terrymarron almost 4 years ago

@terrymarron Yes! I will post that information once I have it all set up!

Posted by jpupko almost 4 years ago

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