Vegetation Associations in Botswana

Bekker & De Wit 1991 Vegetation Map of the Republic of Botswana

Please add the vegetation type. They are in alphabetical order, but:
Note: Acacia is now Vachellia and Senegalia, Rhus is now Searsia

Vegetation Map of the Republic of Botswana

The major types are:

A: Sandveld
B: Hardveld
C: Miomboveld
D: Recent Lacustrine (Panveld)
E: Fossil Lacustrine (Ancient Panveld)
F: Alluvium (Riverine)
G: Sandveld-Hardveld Transition Veld
H: Mopaneveld
I: Wetland
J: Salt Pans

A: Sandveld

A1a Vachellia haemotoxyon, Rhigozum trichotomum Sandveld

A2a Senegalia mellifera, Vachellia luederitzii, Boschia albitrunca Sandveld

A3a Terminalia sericea, Lonchocarpus nelsii (Vachellia erioloba) Sandveld
A3b Terminalia sericea, Lonchocarpus nelsii (Vachellia erubescens) Sandveld
A3c Terminalia sericea, Lonchocarpus nelsii (Vachellia tortilis, Cataphractes alexandri) Sandveld
A3d Terminalia sericea, Lonchocarpus nelsii (Combretum) Sandveld
A3e Terminalia sericea, Lonchocarpus nelsii (Pterocarpus angolensis) Sandveld
A3f Terminalia sericea, Lonchocarpus nelsii (Baphia massaiensis) Sandveld

A4a Terminalia sericea, Baphia massaiensis, Peltophorum africanum, Combretum hereroense Sandveld

A5a Catophractes alexandri, Searsia tenuinervis Sandveld

B: Hardveld

B6b Peltophorum africanum, Vachellia tortilis (Terminalia sericea) Hardveld

B6b Peltophorum africanum, Vachellia tortilis (Vachellia karoo, Ziziphus mucronata) Hardveld

B7a Combretum apiculatum, Senegalia nigrescens, Vachellia tortilis Hardveld

B8a Colophospermum mopane, Senegalia nigrescens (Combretum apiculatum, Vachellia tortilis) Hardveld
B8b Colophospermum mopane, Senegalia nigrescens (Burkea africana) Hardveld

B9a Colophospermum mopane, Senegalia nigrescens (Combretum imberbe) Hardveld

C: Miomboveld

C10a Pterocarpus angolensis, Baikiaea plurijuga Miomboveld

D: Recent Lacustrine (Panveld)

D11a Odyssea paucinervis Recent Lacustrine
D12a Sesbania, Asclepias fruticosa Recent Lacustrine

E: Fossil Lacustrine (Ancient Panveld)

E13a Colophospermum mopane, Acacia nilotica, Combretum Fossil Lacustrine

F: Alluvium (Riverine)

F14a Vachellia tortilis, Cynodon dactylon, Cenchrus ciliaris, Combretum imberbe Recent Alluvium
F14b Vachellia tortilis, Combretum erythrophyllum, Lonchocarpus capassa Recent Alluvium
F14c Vachellia tortilis, Phragmites australis, Vachellia erioloba, Terminalia prunioides Recent Alluvium

F15a Combretum imberbe, Vachellia erioloba, Colophospermum mopane Recent Alluvium

G: Sandveld-Hardveld Transition Veld

G16a Terminalia sericea, Vachellia tortilis, Ziziphus mucronata Sandveld-Hardveld Transistion
G16b Terminalia sericea, Vachellia tortilis, Senegalia mellifera Sandveld-Hardveld Transistion
G16c Vachellia erubescens, Vachellia tortilis, Boscia albitrunca Sandveld-Hardveld Transistion

H: Mopaneveld

H17a Colophospermum mopane, Terminalia prunioides Mopaneveld H18a|Colophospermum mopane, Terminalia sericea (Combretum imberbe) Mopaneveld
H17b Colophospermum mopane, Terminalia sericea (Sclerocarya caffra) Mopaneveld
H17c Colophospermum mopane, Terminalia sericea (Hyphaene petersiana, Adansonia digitata) Mopaneveld
H17d Colophospermum mopane, Terminalia sericea (Dichrostachys cinerea) Mopaneveld
H17e Colophospermum mopane, Terminalia sericea (Lonchocarpus nelsii) Mopaneveld

H18b Colophospermum mopane, Combretum Mopaneveld
H18c Colophospermum mopane, Vachellia tortilis Mopaneveld

I: Wetland

I19a Imperata cylindrica, Setaria sphacelata, Hyparrhenia rufa & Hyphaene petersiana, Garcinia livingstonei (Phoenix reclinata, Ficus verruculosa) Wetland

I20a Hyphaene petersiana, Lonchocarpus capassa, Phoenix reclinata Wetland
I20b Imperata cylindrica, Setaria sphacelata, Hyparrhenia rufa & Hyphaene petersiana, Garcinia livingstonei (Lonchocarpus capassa, Senegalia nigrescens & Phragmites) Wetland

I21a Cyperus papyrus, Miscanthus junceus & Hyphaene petersiana, Garcinia livingstonei (Phoenix reclinata, Ficus verruculosa) Wetland

J: Salt Pans

J0 Salt Pans

Vegetation Map of the Republic of Botswana

Posted on 12 February, 2018 14:08 by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Please explain how those of us in Botswana can contribute to this great project ? Could the vegetation map of Botswana be on this project so all can see. Im stlll confused but I can see that the vegetation map is so very useful. Thanks so much.

Posted by botswanabugs over 6 years ago

Is the map copyright?

Posted by tonyrebelo over 6 years ago

thats a good point. Ill try and find out. Thanks.

Posted by botswanabugs over 6 years ago

Copyright notice
© European Union, 1995-2017

I dont know what to make of this ambiguous document.
Reuse is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged. The Commission's reuse policy is implemented by the Decision of 12 December 2011 - reuse of Commission documents [PDF, 728 KB].

The general principle of reuse can be subject to conditions which may be specified in individual copyright notices. Therefore, users are advised to refer to the copyright notices on individual websites maintained under Europa and in individual documents. Reuse is not applicable to documents subject to intellectual property rights of third parties.

Posted by botswanabugs over 6 years ago

So I guess Sandveld is Arid Savanna
But from the species, Hardveld is Arid Savanna too ...

Posted by tonyrebelo over 6 years ago


A: Sandveld - Arid Savanna
G: Sandveld-Hardveld Transition Veld - Arid Savanna

B: Hardveld - Moist Savanna
C: Miomboveld - Moist Savanna
H: Mopaneveld - Moist Savanna

Posted by tonyrebelo over 5 years ago

Thanks for this. The reason I am interested is because i live ( sometimes) very near the border between sandveld and hardveld, where the transition zone is perhaps 10m. I have been very interested in observing the difference in tree vegetation and its density. Assuming rainfall is the same, it seems to me that the sandveld trees are closer and the sand veld is vary more productive. I guess the water just goes down to roots and doesnt run off the surface into rivers and gets wasted in an ocean. Perhaps the sandveld has more water underground but its surface is more arid. Good for trees, once established. We have species of trees that only live in the sandveld and I cant find them at all in the hardveld. I hope to use inat to record the flora s of the smaller plants in the two biomes which are very close to each other. Of course the hardveld is far more affected by soil erosion with the flow of water over the surface. I still need to find if there are more nitrate. potassium ions etc in the sand, deeper down due to greater leaching which may make the sandveld more productive, at least in my neighbourhood. I guess sandveld is arid because the water is stored underground and cant remain on the surface, while hardveld is moist because the water stays on the surface but evaporates or flows away and less is stored. I guess we shouldnt associate arid savanna with being less bioproductive and less biodiverse than moist savanna. Thanks for getting me to think.

Posted by botswanabugs over 5 years ago

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