Identifiers needed

You may have noticed on the iNaturalist App that there's a Green button appears on some of your observations. This indicates that they are 'Research Grade' meaning that they will contribute to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), and contribute to scientific data sets on various species.

In order to become 'Research Grade' observation, they need to be confirmed by 2 or 3 other users. This is the power of collective action and this fantastic network of Naturalist enthusiasts, amateurs and scientists.

We are currently tracking about 33% of observations are making 'Research Grade'. It's great, but it could be better - so request is, if you feel comfortable & confident, to support the BioBlitz by also helping with identifying and confirming / challenging / making more specific the species naming.

If you only feel confident with plants or butterflies or fish... you can use the filter to shortlist.

Posted on 28 June, 2024 10:45 by maevehall maevehall


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