

Jann Vendetti Talking at SDSU on the Molluscan Fauna of Southern California

Fellow citizen scientists,

Jann Vendetti, Ph.D., curator of mollusks at the Natural History Museum of LA County and administrator of the iNaturalist SLIME project ( will be talking at SDSU this Wednesday night. You are all invited and encouraged to attend. It would be great to get to meet many of you, and to touch base on our interests in southern California malacology. More information is below. Feel free to invite or forward to others. If you have any questions please ask.

Best wishes,

Title: Diversity at our feet: the under-appreciated molluscan fauna of Southern California
Date: Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Time: 5:00-6:30 p.m.
Location: LS 269

Please join the NHC@SDSU for our last club meeting of the academic year. We are excited to host Jann Vendetti, Twila Bratcher Chair in Malacological ...more ↓

Posted on 25 April, 2016 23:17 by pileated pileated | 1 comment | Leave a comment
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I've recently become fascinated with the gastropods that are found in San Diego County, California. From the beaches to the mountains and down into the deserts there are snails to be found. And many are endemic to small areas. I am hoping to learn more about the local species and abundance of these often overlooked animals.

finatic created this project on 06 April, 2016
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