

UK Roadkill recorded on iNaturalist by species - Sankey diagram

Mammals make the largest group recorded, but probably not the largest group run over - mammals are simply easier to spot as they are large, and are probably likelier to motivate people to record their presence.

Records of invertebrates were largely uploaded by people moving on foot.

Reptiles probably make a large group of roadkill, because they are relatively slow moving, utilise road surfaces to warm up, are harder to see while driving, and may even intentionally be killed(1).

(1) - Paul Ashley et al 2007 Incidence of Intentional Vehicle–Reptile Collisions

Posted on 29 March, 2023 09:29 by apusaffinis apusaffinis | 0 comments | Leave a comment

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Does what it says on the tin. To complement similar projects elsewhere in the world. The UK has high car use but small wildlife populations and low diversity, how does this affect roadkill?

Expected mammals are hedgehogs, lagomorphs, and mustelids.

To see most commonly recorded UK roadkill click link below -

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apusaffinis created this project on 21 March, 2023
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