

New project admin, or retire this project?

Hi all, it's come to my attention that the founder of this project, Lynn Watson, passed away in 2016. Lynn was an ardent naturalist and early supporter and contributor to iNat.

@tomleeturner has asked to take over as project admin, which I'm happy to do, but I just wanted to post this first to see if anyone else wants to be a project curator, or has other opinions about what to do with this project, e.g. remove it.

Posted on 10 June, 2019 19:20 by kueda kueda | 2 comments | Leave a comment

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Observations made along Refugio Road, south and north.

The last major fire in this area was the Refugio Road Fire in 1955.

tomleeturner created this project on 06 March, 2013
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