[OhioDragonfly] Submission Deadline plus Photo Use Permission Form

As much as some of us want to deny it, the cold is here, taking with it most of the active dragonflies. I am also disappointed to report that I had zero children dressed up as dragonflies on Halloween, not even as Halloween Pennants!? (I joke, we all know we don't want to try to replicate the intricate wing venation of dragonflies for a large costume.)

A few people are still reporting the occasional active Autumn Meadowhawk, so keep an eye out on warm-ish days. Our latest reported flight date for that species is Nov 27th, so keep on photographing them!

Photo record deadline - December 1st:
Please have all observations uploaded to iNaturalist by December 1st so we have time to process them. This also allows us to include that data in this years reports and upcoming maps. If you are having trouble uploading photo records, or need help in any way, feel free to email MaLisa at spring.99@osu.edu

Photo selection for the upcoming Ohio Field Guide:
Thanks to those of you who have already submitted permission forms!!

We are creating an All Ohio Field Guide to Dragonflies and Damselflies. This is meant to be an easy to use field guide for anyone looking to learn about Ohio Odonata. We are in the process of writing the bulk of the book, but we want our volunteers to have a chance to potentially have their images selected for the publication.

If you are interested in potentially having your images selected for inclusion in the book, please fill out our Photo Use Permission Letter and either email or send via snail mail to MaLisa. You can find the form here: https://u.osu.edu/ohioodonatasurvey/files/2019/10/PhotoPermission.pdf

For additional information, see the blog post here: https://u.osu.edu/ohioodonatasurvey/2019/10/09/upcoming-book-photo-request/

Random fact:
Several of us have noticed mites attached to dragonflies and damselflies. However, the attached mite is just one stage of a really weird life cycle! Their free-swimming form is arguably one of the most beautiful mites, with vibrant colors and ornate shapes. Check out some of the cool "blueberries" and their weird life history in the about tab here: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/121463-Arrenurus

Upcoming events:
Jan 25, 2020 Ohio Lepidopterists Annual Meeting at Columbus Audubon Center. Meeting details still being worked out, but we will have an overview of the dragonfly survey and I know they booked Kenn Kaufman. Attendance is free.
2020 Ohio Dragonfly Conference will be held in Richland County on June 5th-7th with Kyle Bailey as the lead organizer.

Still writing,
MaLisa Spring

Posted on 06 November, 2019 17:46 by malisaspring malisaspring


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