Logging Area

Sunny. Mid 60s F. Got lost driving, ended up on a logging beach near what looked like some kind of Naval Base area.
The tide was out, and so I went about lifting up rocks. Under small rocks were 20 small crabs, and under big rocks were 20 big crabs. There was a ridiculous amount of crabs, and after they all dug themselves into the sand.
Besides the many crabs, there were little baby shrimp, still see-through, that were on the bottoms of the rocks.
Under one rock was a very small gooeyduck, and by another was a muscle.
It was nice to see that even in what looked like a big stretch of muddy sand speckled with rocks, there was tons of life on that beach besides the couple seagulls flying above.

Posted on 03 May, 2012 11:19 by wellska wellska


Photos / Sounds


Yellow Shore Crab (Hemigrapsus oregonensis)




April 14, 2012 03:49 PM PDT


Found underneath rock in muddy area where the tide went out. At least 20 crabs underneath each rock we overturned. They varied in size from dime sized to Golf ball sized.

Photos / Sounds


Black Mussels (Genus Mytilus)




April 14, 2012 04:08 PM PDT


Purple color. Found underneath rock in muddy area where the tide went out. Not very many.


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