Hummingbird Courtship

Union Bay Natural Area. Partly cloudy, slightly windy. 50s F.
I heard what I recognized as a Hummingbird sound, more like an Annas. I looked up to see a brightly colored hummingbird flying way up into the air, then swooping fast down and squeaking, then flying back up. He did this for quite sometime then he flew off. About 5 minutes later I saw what I thought was the same hummingbird chasing another one, and they were both singing, and they were just flying around trees. Finally, I lost track of them. It was very neat to see a Hummingbird Courtship.

Posted on 03 May, 2012 11:11 by wellska wellska


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Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna)




April 12, 2012 02:33 PM PDT


2 hummingbirds, one sitting on top branch of cherry tree, the other flying up very high then swooping down very fast and singing, then repeating. Mating ritual?


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