This online conference took place on February 20th and 27th 2021. This event brought together (bumble)bee researchers and enthusiasts from around Europe and beyond to share recent and relevant topics of interest. All presentations can be viewed on YouTube. See links below.
Saturday February 20th 2021
Welcome by host of conference - Dr. Vincent Kalkman (Naturalis Biodiversity Center)
Mind the Gap: the effect of seasonal resource gaps on bumblebees - Dr. Thomas Timberlake (University of Bristol)
Asian bumblebees as the key to European bumblebees - Dr. Paul Williams (Natural History Museum London)
Bumblebees in Dutch meadows - Anthonie Stip (Dutch Butterfly Conservation)
Working with farmers to create bumblebee friendly habitat - Dr. Nikki Gammans (Bumblebee Conservation Trust)
Climate and land use change impacts on bumblebees - Dr. Leon Marshall (Université Libre de Bruxelles and Naturalis)
Bumblebee foraging and cold adapted bumblebees of the Alps - Dr. Paolo Biella (University of Milano-Bicocca)
Poster presentations February 20th 2021: click here for YouTube, click below for separate PDF's
Nest architecture, their abundance and colony survival studies in Bombus haemorrhoidalis - Harish Kumar Sharma
Mountain bumble bees and wildflowers exhibit nonlinear patterns of abundance and β-diversity, punctuated by the tree line ecotone - Douglas Sponsler
Morphometric and molecular identification of the female castes of Bombus ignitus and B. ardens - Chuleui Jung
Long-term protection for rare bumblebee species in Lower Saxony (Germany) - Rolf Witt
Saturday February 27th 2021
The Dutch bumblebee monitoring programme - Johan van ’t Bosch (EIS Kenniscentrum Insecten)
Bumblebee genetics - Dr. Kevin Maebe (Ghent University)
Bombus terrestris colony performance with the urban ecosystem - Dr. Panagiotis Theodorou (Martin Luther Univ. Halle-Wittenberg)
Nutritional resilience of bumblebees - Dr. Maryse Vanderplanck (University of Mons, Zoology lab)
Inventories and conservation of current bumblebee diversity in Belgium - Jens D’Haeseleer (Natuurpunt Studie)
Poster presentations February 27th 2021: click here for YouTube, click below for separate PDF's
Successful search for Bombus brodmannicus ssp. delmasi in the French alps, summer 2020 - Pieter Haringsma
Seasonal incidence, epidemiology and establishment of different pests and disease in laboratory reared Bombus haemorrhoidalis - Ruchi Sharma
Bumblebee-pollination as a driver of plant evolution - Florian Schiestl
Pollinators foraging on centipede grass inflorescences - Shimat Joseph
Bombus terrestris in South America, history of an invasive species - José Montalva
Pollen metabarcoding: linking plant diversity with bumblebee diversity - Andreas Kolter
Other research posters (not presented)
Bumblebee agricultural risk assessment using ALMaSS framework individual-based modelling - Jordan Chetcuti
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