A special target: massasauga

A&M is conducting important work on massasaugas, read this note from Wade Ryberg to see how you can help:

Hello Sauga Network!

We are studying the genetic structure of massasaugas in Texas with funding from Texas Parks and Wildlife and Texas A&M University (TAMU). Massasaugas have a patchy distribution throughout the state that is split between two subspecies (Desert and Western Massasaugas). For some populations, such as those in south Texas, the subspecies identity is not known. This information is important to obtain, because the Desert Massasauga has been petitioned for listing and is currently under 12-month review for candidacy under the US Endangered Species Act. Existing data on Texas massasaugas are limited and more information and analysis is needed to support sound conservation decisions (USFWS is required to base decisions on “best available science”). If the Desert subspecies is listed, we will need to know exactly where it occurs throughout the state to move forward with conservation actions. Our study is designed to use genetic data to provide that information, but we need lots of tissue samples from around the state to do it. If anyone finds a dead massasauga, we would greatly appreciate a tissue sample with locality data and the specimen, too, if possible. Simply place the tissue/specimen in the freezer, and I will make arrangements to come pick it up from you or have it delivered to the Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections at TAMU. All tissues/specimens are welcome, but we really need samples from south Texas. My email is waryberg@tamu.edu. Thanks for your help in advance!

Wade Ryberg, Toby Hibbitts, and Gary Voelker

Posted on 06 June, 2013 18:08 by cullen cullen


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