
We have upgraded this Project to a New iNaturalist Project. The old badges are not needed anymore: any observation will now automatically be added to this project if it falls within the area.

Posted on 08 May, 2018 14:44 by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


excellent - not a moment too soon! will help a lot...

Posted by botaneek about 6 years ago

Tony - pls can you expand the project area to include the full extent of the3 Greater CFR - ie up to Richtersveld, Rosh Pinah, Roggeveld, etc.?

Posted by botaneek about 6 years ago

No! Will add another Greater CFR. But first let me make sure that it does not already exist.

Posted by tonyrebelo about 6 years ago

No - why not? Whats the point of only doing two thirds of the CFR area?! If it doesn't already exist we need one.

Posted by botaneek about 6 years ago

No: this is the CFR. You mean the Greater CFR.

Posted by tonyrebelo about 6 years ago

Created: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/greater-cape-floristic-region

Note that both these Projects are based on Places: Places have their own features and options that are quite powerful.

Posted by tonyrebelo about 6 years ago

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