Celebrating the most unique and interesting regional finds from 2022

With just 10 weeks to go until City Nature Challenge 2023 we wanted to celebrate the records of some of the most unique and interesting finds from last year! There were lots of regional ‘firsts’ to celebrate, but here are a selection of 10 from our list of favourites from City Nature Challenge 2022.

Black-headed Cardinal Beetle Pyrochroa coccinea - This was the 1st record of this species recorded on iNaturalist during any city nature challenge in this region. Recorded on Bristol Zoological Society’s Wild Place Project site by iNaturalist user @emmanuelct

During 2022, there was 1 observation of the Metallic Horned Dung Beetle Onthophagus coenobita. This is only 1 of 3 ever recorded during CNC in the region. All 3 observations have been made by @catbaker!

Ruby Tiger Moth Phragmatobia fuliginosa - Record by @davidhanks. Only 1 recorded last year in the region – and the second recorded during a CNC in the region since the challenge began in 2018. As an adult, this moth cannot feed as it has no mouthparts!

Sea Campion Silene uniflora – 5th record of this species during any CNC in the region. The only record during CNC 2022 was by iNaturalist user @robsid. This coastal plant was spotted at the National Trust’s Sand Point near Weston super mare.

Adder Vipera berus - Spotted by @cjjones84. This is the first record of an adder on iNaturalist during a CNC in this region! If you are lucky enough to see one, be sure not to disturb it; they are a UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Priority Species and protected by law.

Common Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus - Thanks for the record by @ruth468, this reed warbler could be identified with a sound record as well as a clear photo – and was the only reed warbler recorded during the region’s CNC in 2022.

White-throated Dipper Cinclus cinclus - During CNC each year, we’ve had only 1 single record of this aquatic songbird each year across the west of England area. The records from 2022, 2021, 2019 and 2018 have all been along the same stretch of river- we wonder if it could be the same bird being recorded! 2022’s record was made by @drnismith.

Black Goby Gobius niger – Only 2 records of this species were made across the whole of the UK during city nature challenge last year - both in Portishead by iNaturalist user @richie_howard!

Brickwork Woodlouse Porcellio spinicornis - 1 recorded by @mikebath in 2022. This is the first ever record of this species for the region during a City Nature Challenge event!

Brown Soil Slug Arion distinctus - this is a first record on iNaturalist for this species in this region. The record was made by iNaturalist user @zeplyr. This slug has only been recorded 11 times in the UK on iNaturalist EVER, despite being thought of as a common garden species!

There were lots more records we’d love to celebrate - You can explore more of the species that were found by going to the 2022 project page where you can explore a map of the sightings, and even use the filter to see specific species or groups.

A massive thank you to everyone who’s records made this list. We can’t wait to see the records that will be made across the West of England during City Nature Challenge 2023!

Best wishes
Loz Emerson, Actions for Nature Officer at the Natural History Consortium

Posted on 17 February, 2023 09:20 by festofnature festofnature


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