34 days to go - Winnipeg North

Winnipeg North 14PA33 is shared by the City of Winnipeg and the neighbouring RM of Rosser, West St Paul and East St Paul. The Red River dominates the eastern half of this square with Bunn's Creek entering it from the east in the north east quadrant. Parks in this area include Kildonan Park, Northeast Pioneers Greenway and Bunn's Creek.

At the time of posting, 2,851 observations had been uploaded by 222 observers led by @carolannvermeer and @seraphinpoudrier. 765 species have been identified so far-- insects (281 species) edge out plants(259 species) for the lead. The most frequently observed organism is the Monarch butterfly (46) followed by three birds Mallard (34), Downy Woodpecker (33) and Wood duck (30).

The mature deciduous trees found in this square both in the parks and long the rivers and planted as boulevard trees are home to the two species of tree-dwelling squirrels found in Winnipeg - the American Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) and the Eastern Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). here's a link that shows all these observations at once. I find that looking at so many images of the same organism really helps hone my identification skills. Using the field guides, I can read that red squirrels are smaller than greys, and that greys may show some reddish underneath but are primarily grey and reds are red above and white underneath - but scanning over the nearly thirty images collected so far, I can test my ids against those made by others in the community.

There is still plenty of room for more squirrel pictures in iNaturalist - from this square and from anywhere. Adding picture of common species has a real benefit - both observers and identifiers gain experience with the common so that they are better able to recognize and record evidence for the less common and perhaps more unique organisms in our surroundings. See if you can spot the unusual individual in this group of observations. :)

Posted on 26 March, 2021 13:32 by marykrieger marykrieger


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