New Focus for CNC-DC: Longer and Closer To Home

The regional City Nature Challenge planning team has been meeting virtually to keep the spirit of the CNC going while incorporating best practices for COVID-19 prevention. This year’s in-person group events have been cancelled in response to travel restrictions in Maryland, DC and Virginia. We are planning virtual events that will help you use iNaturalist individually to explore nature in your home and neighborhood!

In a spirit of positive engagement, DC area organizers have named April City Nature Month in the DMV. Think of this year’s City Nature Challenge as a month-long citizen science experience! In support of Washington DC area City Nature Month, we’ve created a new project on iNaturalist. Even with our movement limited to minimize the spread of COVID-19, there is plenty to explore. iNaturalist can help us observe nature at windowsills, through the window, in our backyards, on balconies and stoops, and as part of allowed activities such as walks in our neighborhood. (Check out the Never Home Alone project for some fun observations!)

The international City Nature Challenge is still happening! Global organizers have shifted this year’s focus from a competition to a collaborative event to help us all embrace the healing aspect of nature. This encourages us to safely document biodiversity at any scale we can, even from the safety of our own homes. We can all participate in the CNC on our own or with members of our household! All of your iNaturalist observations between 4/24 and 4/27 will count toward the City Nature Challenge, although it is no longer a competition.

To kick off City Nature Month, and to support iNaturalist observations, Carrie Seltzer will lead a lunchtime introduction to iNaturalist via Zoom for anyone who wants to learn the basics of using the app. Please join us on Thursday, April 9th from 12 noon – 1 pm! We will post a video of the program on the Resources page following the meeting. For Zoom details, please register here .


Posted on 09 April, 2020 14:59 by dbarber dbarber


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