Sunday's Activities - City Nature Challenge 2019 Cape Town

A full list of Events can be found on Facebook ( or this News Link

All City of Cape Town Nature Reserves will have open days and free access on all four days of the challenge.
Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens had free access on Friday 26, and to BotSoc members.
Table Mountain National Park requires valid Wild or Activity cards at paypoints - the rest of the National Park is open access.
The City of Cape Town is providing extra security at reserves. All activities are entirely at your own risk.

FOCUS for the day

Your favourite places: hikes, beaches, parks, gardens. We need them all

Click on the event to find out the details.

Sunday - 28 April
Fungi Foray, Tokai Arboretum
Herp Table Mountain Bioblitz, Constantia Neck
Kenilworth Bioblitz, Kenilworth Racecourse
Liesbeek take on the City Nature Challenge, Liesbeek
Shipwreck Trail, Cape of Good Hope, Olifantsbos
Take Back our Mountains” and SANParks hike to Sentinel Peak and Seal Island
Tygerberg Nature Reserve CREW Challenge, Tygerberg

no listed afternoon or evening activities
your own time - in your neighbourhood look around

There are also some cool projects - why not participate in them!:

•• Cape Town Ant Atlas - Atlassing Ants is Awesome!
•• Cape Town School Nature Challenge - Is your class taking part?
•• Polyphagous Shothole Borer Beetle Atlas - Help us map this scourge.

See the Communitree City Nature Challenge (all week - visit our focus sites and help document the biodiveristy on them.

A special thanks to WESSA Friends Groups, CREW (Custodians of Rare and Endangered WIldflowers), City Nature Reserve Staff, The Herpetological Society, and TMNP Honorary Rangers for organizing some awesome events.
Please support them and turn out in numbers!

Posted on 27 April, 2019 22:45 by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


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