

Champion Trees of South Africa

The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) initiated the South African Champion Trees Project in 1998.

The Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry can declare certain tree species and individual trees or groups of trees, as protected under the National Forests Act 1998 (Act No. 84 OF 1998). Such protected trees may not be “…cut, disturbed or damaged and their products may not be possessed, sold or transported without a licence…” In the case of individual trees the protection is absolute, with no potential for permission for removal except if life or property is threatened (eg by dying or leaning trees).

The definition of a Champion Tree includes the following elements:

• It must be a tree.
The act defines trees as ‘…any self-supporting woody plant of >10 mm stem diameter at breast height, that is >3m high if single-stemmed, and >5 m high if multistemmed...’ Plants such as Aloe, cycads, palms, banana-like plants and so forth are ...more ↓

Posted on 16 October, 2017 14:19 by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 7 comments | Leave a comment

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The Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry can declare certain tree species and individual trees or groups of trees, as protected under the National Forests Act 1998 (Act No. 84 OF 1998). Such protected trees may not be “…cut, disturbed or damaged and their products may not be possessed, sold or transported without a licence…” In the case of individual trees the protection is absolute, with ...more ↓

tonyrebelo created this project on 16 October, 2017
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