What is an umbrella project and what is this one's role?

An umbrella project on iNaturalist is a project that encompasses at least one other standard project (in our case, we cull all observations from The projects: Fungi beyond NYC - New York Mycological Society and Fungi of NYC - New York Mycological Society. The main purpose of umbrella projects is described by iNaturalist:

If you want to collate, compare, or promote a set of existing projects, then an Umbrella project is what you should use. For example, the 2018 City Nature Challenge, which collated over 60 projects, made for a great landing page where anyone could compare and contrast each city’s observations. Both Collection and Traditional projects can be used in an Umbrella project, and up to 500 projects can be collated by an Umbrella project.

The specific purpose of this project is to facilitate data analysis and to choose images for social media.

Posted on 23 June, 2021 20:06 by tomzuckerscharff tomzuckerscharff