Wild pheasants disappearing in California.

Things aren’t looking good for wild pheasants in California, where populations of the colorful game birds have fallen to less than 10 percent of what they were in the late 1990s.


Posted on 07 November, 2017 15:50 by biohexx1 biohexx1


Thanks for posting these articles. Which government department is in charge of conservation? Maybe we can encourage increase in acreage for conservation.

Posted by cloudrancher almost 7 years ago

This is kind of a tricky situation, since as the article states, the pheasant is an introduced species to the Americas. It is also not in danger of going extinct. I took a ride to Standing Rock, ND from San Diego this past January and saw several along the back-roads in Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota. Having said that, I am in favor of preserving land. Land conservation is done by several federal government entities from the BLM to the U.S.G.S. to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife through National Parks and National Monuments. Also, several counterpart state government agencies as well at the State, County, and City level with ecological reserves and county/city parks. Finally, even non-profits are involved. I volunteer with San Diego River Park Foundation, a local non-profit, which buys land along the San Diego River so that the land is not bought by other individuals or development contractors and built upon. This is my favorite level to work at since it is a matter of fund-raising for SDRPF and then they can purchase the land. Sometimes small parcels like 10 - 30 acres, sometimes a bit larger. Pick a level you want to devote your time and effort to (and sometimes it can be up to a decade) for a desired outcome and go for it! Land management is in the hands of our youth, who also have much of the vigor needed to pursue these worthwhile endeavors.

Posted by biohexx1 almost 7 years ago

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